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If You Would Like To Become A DoF Member Click Here

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If You Would Like To Become A DoF Member Click Here Empty If You Would Like To Become A DoF Member Click Here

Post by PyrO Tue Dec 24, 2024 11:37 pm

Do you want to become part of DoF? Hop on the discord server and play multiple games with some drunk old fools? Wear the cool DoF| Tag in front of your name? Then you're in the right spot. We are a big family of gamers who play to have fun, but we kindly ask that you follow these rules. These rules will be posted below. If you are looking to join, please sign up to this forum, and create a comment under this post of who you are, and why you want to join! After that, we will place you on a 3 month probationary period giving you Probie In training role in discord, and allowing you to wear "DoF.R| tag in front of your gamertag name. After 3 months we will evaluate you, your gameplay, attitude, friendliness, and if you are voted on we give you the DoF Role in discord, and allow you to wear "DoF|" in front of your gamertag!

" Hello! I'm kyle I'm from ...
PC Specs
Why DoF community
Game or Social media Links "

Last Updated - 03OCT2024
1.)Age, Race, Gender, Creed doesn't matter here; just don't be a dick to anyone in the server or otherwise.
2.)Have due regard for the feelings, wishes, ideas, or traditions of others. This is what is called having respect. Have it for others.
3.)We're here for fun, gaming, and having someone else to game with. There's no reason not to be here as much as possible.
4.)If you are playing, you must be on Discord.
5.)Be mindful of what is going on in the channel. (I.E. If you are in a channel where there is a ranked game going on in CS or any other game, don't talk too much, or spam the channel with sounds like those from an open mic or emotes.) If this is broken, there is a possibility you will be server muted or have your emoting abilities taken away.
6.)Some of our patrons and teammates are not 18 years old. That being said, keep your wits about you when speaking or posting.  That being said, if you're not 18, you may lose your DoF status and be a Probie in Training until that fateful birthday.
7.)Along side, and not contrary to,  the other guidelines. Don't be a baby. There was this saying we used to have and we need to get back to it, "Sticks and stones...".
8.)Words may never hurt me, but getting back to having respect for each other keep the "N Word" and the "FA**" out of your mouth and vocabulary.
9.)Represent and be proud. We're a big community guys, and we'd love to add more people to it. So rep your tag in game and on as many games as you like. You represent us, and we're damn cool.
10.)If you have any problems/issues/questions/suggestions/ideas/etc., even if they involve someone in the DoF leadership(Owner, HAdmin), we're here for you guys. So message us either on Discord or in private, and we will help any way we can.
Command Sergeant Major
Command Sergeant Major

Posts : 6
Join date : 2023-05-25
Age : 25
Location : PNW

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